Friday, February 25, 2011

Stephen King...Just Do It.

     Everyone has that one book series they turn to when they feel indulgent.  Like a piece of chocolate cake, that book is there for you when you're stressed, when you're sad, feeling anxious or upset, and you slip into it like a glove.  You're familiar with the author's writing style- so familiar that it seems, at times, as though they are writing only to you.  You soak in their every word, and the book is a source of comfort for you.  
     For me, that book is not one specific title, with one specific protagonist or villain or setting.  That book is any book written by Stephen King.
     Stephen King is not who most people would go to for their comfort reading.  His stories are gripping and suspenseful- the events that take place in his novels are often shocking and gruesome.  Stephen King goes there- he knows fear like Jane Austen knows dry, British men, weaving stories that are complex and terrifying.  Stephen King's stories are the kind of stories that keep you up at night, that make even the most bold toss and turn anxiously.  But to me, they provide a sort of comfort.  Sinking into a Stephen King novel  is akin to being wrapped in an old, familiar quilt.  To me, it feels safe and soothing.
     You're probably wondering what kind of a sick, twisted person I am to find comfort in pets being reanimated from the dead, in killer clowns.  The answer lies in Stephen King's writing style itself- his writing style is unique and engaging.  I have never read a book written in a style even comparable to Stephen King's- his writing is informative yet subtly beautiful- it is twisted at times but disarmingly complex and both smooth and choppy when appropriate.
     Stephen King is an immensely talented writer who has managed to continuously satisfy his readers by coming up with fresh, original plotlines.  His protagonists are always relatable, and his ability to make them feel accessible to the reader works to his advantage- the reader follows the protagonist's progression into insanity or paranoia and the ride is believable.  
     So, the next time you're seeking comfort, put down the Nicholas Sparks tear-jerker and the bowl of ice-cream.  Sink your teeth, instead, into something much more gripping.  You won't regret it.


  1. I've never read a Stephen King novel but one of my cousin's loved his books. I love his scary movies so its probably something I'd really enjoy to read

  2. I too am a big fan of an author's writing style not just the content of the book. For me its what makes the book. Word choice and the way a sentence is constructed can intensify a mood (scary or so I've heard in King's books). Sentence variation is also an important quality. If sentences are the same then it becomes repetitive and bores the reader (personal opinion).

  3. I've never read Stephen King but, like you said, I've heard that he has an incredible writing style. I'll definitely be sure to read one of his books soon because you make a great argument for them!
